Personal Home page of N.V. Pavan Kumar Achuta
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I am Pavan Achuta. Working as Computer Specialist in EASi. I finished my Graduation in Civil Engineering at R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Guntur. I finished my Masters in Structural Engineering at Regional Engineering College, Calicut. I am a native of Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, Guntur. Right now I am in Unites States of America.

When I am a child I want to be a police officer just because I can command most of people. Ofcourse as the time moves on A little diversion in my ideas. As the days goes and being more educated I wanted to become an engineer. And finally settled as Computer Engineer. I like to play Cricket, Carroms, Shuttle and now I love tennis too. I love Indian music especially old music. I like site seeing especially of those with sky scrappers and natural beauty.

Now coming to my family My father is an Assitant Engineer, Roads And Buildings. He finished his Diploma in Civil Engineering in 1962 and working since then for State Government of Andhra Pradesh. My mother is an house wife. When ever I go home on vocation I surely put on at least 10 lb just in a week time. She is really an excellent cook. Now coming to my sister she is a very naughty girl. I used to have fun by teasing her. She is doing her Graduation in Computer Science.

Now coming to another special person. She is Sharmila my wife. She did Bachelors of Engineering in Electronics. Hey one more important thing. We are soon expecting another member in to our family. So keep a look at our family album.

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