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Naga Venkata Pavan Kumar Achuta

Specific Expertise

  Extensive experience in the development of application software in the web, client/server and database
  environments using procedural and object-oriented techniques. Well versed in developing and deployment
  of Internet/Intranet based web applications using Java, JDBC, AWT, HTML, Servlets, Swing and
  JavaScript. In-depth knowledge of all the phases involved in development of an application such as
  Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Implementation with emphasis on Java and C. Well versed with
  PERL, X-Motif, VB and PERL/TK.
Computer Systems Experience

Hardware                Pentium and 80x86 based systems, HP 9000, SGI Workstations

Oper. Sys.               SCO-UNIX, LINUX, SOLARIS, IRIX, HP-UX, Windows 95 / NT

Software                 C, HTML, Java Script, Perl, SQL, Java 1.2/1.1.6, AWT, JDBC, Servlets, GL, OpenGL,
                                ORACLE 7.x, MS Access, X-Motif, Perl/TK, Swing, and VB

Professional Experience

Mar 97 - Present      EASi Technologies                                                                                         Project Engineer

Project I                  Trade Fair Layout Manager

Description             Design and Development of Trade Fair Layout Manager. Provides facility to plan stall layout for
                                Exhibition Grounds. Provides facility to add constraints for positioning the stalls.

Contribution           Involved in analysis, design, development and implementation. Facility to design stall layout in a ground
                                by sub classifying into Halls and Layers was provided. Ground layout, Hall alignment and primary
                                architectural data was read through a data file and represented in the Graphics window using Java 2D.
                                GUI was developed using Swing. Facility to add stalls at working time was provided. Graphical
                                operations like Rotate, Scale, Translate, Zoom-in, Zoom-out were provided and basic operations like
                                cut, copy, paste were implemented. The stall placement was ensured to satisfy boundary and feasibility

Project II                Object Oriented BASIC Compiler

Description             Design and Development of object oriented BASIC compiler. Provides open architecture mechanism
                                for EASi?s commercial software. Provides facility for user customization of CAD/CAE package with
                                simple object oriented BASIC language.

Contribution           Involved in analysis, design, development and implementation. Restructured an existing BASIC
                                interpreter to a compiler using C-language. An editor called EASi Editor was provided using Java and
                                Swing for facilitating Vista Basic Programmers. Improved execution speed with minimal execution paths
                                and flags. Provided facility to resolve external objects at runtime through a master registry procedure.
                                Facility was provided to support calls to external library written in other languages. Embedded a
                                documentation tool to document the entire external API registered. Generated reports in HTML format.
                                Complete portability has been ensured to run on all platforms such as LINUX, HP-UX,
                                SUN-SOLARIS and SGI-IRIX. The tool was developed to interface EASi's commercial software used
                                by GM, Ford, Chrysler, BMW, and Nissan. The objects in EASi's core library were made accessible
                                through simple object oriented syntax in BASIC language. This was to facilitate EASi software
                                customers to define their specific processes in BASIC language with simple execution procedure.

Environment           Pentium, SGI, HP-9000, LINUX, HP-UX, SUN-SOLARIS and SGI-IRIX, C, Java, AWT, Swing

Project III               Time Sheet Management System

Description             This system provided a time tracking mechanism for management. It had a facility for generating reports
                                project wise, module wise and activity wise. Maintained schedules for each employee.

Contribution           Involved in design and development. Developed the front end was using Java AWT and Swing
                               components. A facility to maintain employees daily work report was provided. A facility to monitor time
                               spent on a project, module, event based like design, coding, maintenance, enhancements etc. was also
                               provided. Data was stored in ORACLE database using JDBC driver. Created a Project Scheduler.
                               Generated reports in HTML format.

Environment          Pentium, LINUX, Windows NT, Java, AWT, Swing, ORACLE, SQL, and JDBC

Project IV              Web based Automated Driveline Design Process

Description            It facilitated Ford motor company for storing Driveline design data. The company?s driveline analysis
                               engineers analyze the data and interface to CAD package I-DEAS through Open Ideas API.

  Contribution          Involved in design, development and deployment of the system. Used Servlets to generate dynamic
                               content forms . Used Jigsaw as server and JDBC as driver for database interaction for data input. Facility
                               was provided to collect input from various manufacturers through HTML forms. A high-level security
                               model was provided for controlling login both general and maintenance wise. Data entered was stored in
                               ORACLE database through JDBC driver. The driveline data was maintained status wise. Analysis of
                               selected driveline was done using Perl. A GUI was provided using Perl/TK for input to I-DEAS package.
                               Data base acess for IDEAS package was done through Perl DBI/DBD driver. Open Ideas API, C++
                               were used for showing the generated model. An extensive search and report generation capability was
                               provided using HTML format and ORACLE.

Environment         Pentium, HP, Perl, DBI/DBD, HTML, Java, Servlets, JDBC, Java Script, Perl/TK, Open Ideas,
                              ORACLE, and C++

Project V              Object Oriented Basic Interpreter
Description           This interpreter language was developed for user customization of CAD/CAE package. It enhanced the
                              capabilities of package to the user?s requirements through external API written in C. This provided run-time
                              programming environment for CAD/CAE applications.

Contribution         Responsible for the design and development of system. A BASIC interpreter was developed using C. A
                              run-time programming environment was provided for CAD/CAE package. A facility was provided for user
                              customization and automating the testing process of the package. This was integrated with EASi?s various
                              products like EASi-CRASH, EASi-CRASHMAD, EASi-BASIC NASTRAN, EASi-PAMCRASH,
                              EASi-CRASHRADIOSS etc.

Environment         i386, SGI, HP-9000, LINUX, HP-UX, SUN-SOLARIS, SGI-IRIX, and C

Project VI            Auto HTML Document Generator

Description          This generator extracted class and member information from C source and enforces programmers to
                             document in a text format. Generates user reference manual in a HTML format.

Contribution         Developed a C-interpreter, which understood EASi objective C source code. A facility was provided for
                              programmers to document source in text format. Class wise HTML documents were generated using these
                              text documents. Navigation across the classes were made easier using the links provided for each class.

Environment         i386, LINUX, SCO-UNIX, C, HTML

Project VII           Open GL Porting

Description          This enabled the CAD/CAE package to display graphics across most of the plot forms with out extra
                              efforts  for enhancing display characteristics.

Contribution         Involved in design and development. Analyzed graphics quality advantages between GLX to Open GL.
                              Improved graphics quality and performance using a combination of C and Open GL. Identified GL specific
                              code in 2 million lines of existing code and ported it to Open GL.

Environment         i386, SGI, HP-9000, LINUX, HP-UX, SUN-SOLARIS and SGI-IRIX, C, GL, and Open GL

Education        M. Tech, R.E.C. Calicut, Kerala, India
                              B. Tech,  R.V.R & J.C. College, Andhra Pradesh, India